Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Updated my game-on site.

In what is becoming an all-consuming project, I am updating the gamification structure for my makers' classes.  Kids will earn experience and level up from performing the tasks they work on.  At the same time they earn a basic level of gold that they can spend in the class store for things like listening to music during class, or even at the extreme studying for another class.
Saving gold has a big reward, it can be used as part of gaining membership into a guild.  Guilds have rewards like 1.5X exp or 1.5X gold or other perks as yet determined.
Another portion of gaining entrance into a guild is growing (or improving) a mindset.  Kids must earn honor to enter a guild.  Honor is only attainable through showing empathy and making the world a better place.  Whether they help a classmate, find a maker project to help another community member, or cure cancer, their goal is to help a little or help a lot.
Other mechanics like taking damage (to nerf rewards) for "conduct unbecoming a Flint Hill Husky" and earning special currency called Minutes for work outside of class are in the works.  I have a general idea of how they will be incorporated but I have yet to insert them.

try clicking on the challenges and the bazaar button to see what I have done so far.